Watering Instructions Post Planting
Yes, you are your plants new caretaker
Just Planted
When plants are just planted, they require more water because they are not established. This means you must hand water plant.
water your plants,With a hose for AT LEAST 2 minutes for smaller plants or 5 minutes for larger plants. Try to make sure you are getting rootball and surrounding area evenly soaked
fyi: irrigation & Rain doesn’t count
you need to do this, 3 times a week for 3 weeks
4-5 Weeks After
With a hose for AT LEAST 2 minutes for smaller plants or 5 minutes for larger plants
need to do this 2 times a week for 2 weeks
Weeks &
till growing season is over.
a hose for AT LEAST 2 minutes for smaller plants or 5 minutes for Larger plants
need to do this 1-2 times a week the first week
You may need to water plants more if;
Its summer or hot and the soil is dry
It hasn’t rained in a week or longer and the soil is dry
the soil is dry and wilting
It’s a plant that requires more water.
Bald Cypress, Encore Azaleas, Hibiscus
You may need to water less if;
It’s winter or temperatures are cooler.
It’s been raining constantly
The soil is wet.
The plant requires less water
Podocarpus, Emerald Green Arborvitae, Italian cypress, Japanese maples, Cherry, Redbud
Gardening tip 101:
Dig down into the soil 4-5” and see if soil is wet or dry. If soil is dry, water it till the roots are evenly soaked. If soil is wet check back later!